Building and Rebuilding Healthy Families & Communities​.
Building and Rebuilding Healthy Families & Communities​.
Anger Management Classes
Anger management is the process of learning to recognize signs that you're becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way. Anger management doesn't try to keep you from feeling anger or encourage you to hold it in. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion when you know how to express it appropriately — anger management is about learning how to do this. You may learn anger management skills on your own, using books or other resources. But for many people, taking an anger management class or seeing a mental health professional is the most effective approach.
Peer Support Specialists
Coordinates and monitors services for consumer and family/support as outlined on the individual service plan developed. Works as a member of the team to assess strengths, needs and goals. Assist with outreach and coordination activities identified in the consumer and family/support service plan. Assists in the coordination of discharge plans. Ensures accurate communications, securing and identification of community resources and appointments and identification of barriers.
Parenting Coach
Parenting coach offers parents individualized support and stress reduction, parenting education and techniques, advocacy assistance, and referrals to community resources. We encourage parents to build on their own strengths and learn positive ways of managing family stress. Parenting coaches are responsible to listen carefully and provide support, discuss child development and parenting information, provide referrals to appropriate community resources, maintain client confidentiality.
Men & Women's Wellness Support Group
Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence. This healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit results in the overall feeling of well-being. Our wellness programs are designed to help achieve a state of well-being by providing services focused on the promotion or maintenance of good health rather than the correction or treatment of poor health.
Suited to Succeed Program
Suited for Success signifies tailoring one's attire, grooming, and overall appearance toward making a great first impression in a job interview -- as well as maintaining a professional look while on the job to aid career advancement.
Diaper Bank
We have a diaper bank location in New Britain & Hartford covering the surrounding towns for expectant mothers in need. 25 diapers are given to each mother once a month or in an emergency. We also provide additional baby items as they are available.
Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual-support groups. At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any addiction (to drugs or alcohol or to activities such as gambling or over-eating). Participants find and develop the power within themselves to change and lead fulfilling and balanced lives guided by our science-based and sensible 4-Point Program®.